Hanchen Wang

Hanchen Wang

ARC DECRA Fellow, Lecturer

University of Technology Sydney (UTS)


I am currently an ARC DECRA Fellow and lecturer at Australian Artificial Intellegence Institution (AAII), University of Technology Sydney. Before joining UTS, I was a postdoctoral research fellow at Data and Knowledge Research Group at The University of New South Wales, supervised by Prof. Wenjie Zhang and a postdoctoral research fellow at Australian Artificial Intellegence Institution (AAII), University of Technology Sydney, supervised by Prof.Lu Qin. I obtained my Ph.D. degree in Computer Science from the University of Technology Sydney in November 2021, advised by Prof.Ying Zhang and Prof.Lu Qin. I received my bachelor degree in Mathematics and Applied Mathematics from Zhejiang University in July 2016.

My research focuses on developing machine learning algorithms for graph structured data and database systems, including developing graph neural network architectures and applying machine learning techniques to improve the algorithms in the database domain.


  • Graph Neural Network
  • Graph Database
  • Artificial Intelligence for Database
  • Artificial Intelligence for Science


  • PhD in Computer Science, 2017-2021

    University of Technology Sydney

  • BSc in Mathematics and Applied Mathematics, 2012-2016

    Zhejiang University

Academic Services

Program Committee Member:

  • KDD 2023, IJCAI 2023.
  • AAAI 2022, IJCAI 2022, ICDE 2022 (TKDE Poster track), WISE 2022.
  • WISE 2021 etc.

Invited Journal Reviewer:

TKDE, VLDBJ, TOIS, TNNLS, WWWJ, BMC Bioinformatics, Scientific Reports, etc.

(External) Reviewer:

  • Conferences: VLDB, KDD, CIKM, DASFAA, etc.


UTS 42913 Social and Information Network Analysis: Instructor in Autumn Session 2022 and 2023;
Lab tutorials in Autumn Sessions 2017, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 and 2023.

UTS 41041 Emerging Topic in AI: Invited Lecturer in Autumn Session 2022.

UNSW DATA1001-Intro Data Science: Head TA 2021 T2.